
Get Moving on Concierge Customer Service

Without Concierge Customer Service, your business can lag behind. I had a conversation with an academic colleague not too long ago (he actually had been my undergraduate mentor). He said, “Jeanne, everywhere I go, customer service people are doing tasks. They’re going through the motions. They’re reading scripts. There’s no ownership.” This is your chance [...]

By |2020-09-01T06:50:52-06:00December 18, 2019|

Tell Your Story

Your untapped power lies in being able to find and tell the story hiding in your data, and using that story effectively. Finding and articulating that story proves to be part art and part science. The science lies in interpreting data accurately, ensuring that you find the story but never reach or even approach conclusions [...]

By |2020-09-01T06:50:53-06:00December 10, 2019|

Six Basics of Creating Concierge Customer Service

With Concierge Customer Service, you can give your best customers the edge they’re looking for and improve your profits in the process. Concierge Customer Service (CCS) achieves that goal by giving your most profitable customers a level of service that not only makes their lives and jobs easier but also improves their efficiency. That’s why [...]

By |2020-09-01T06:50:55-06:00November 20, 2019|

Internal Employee Surveys: Eliciting Input from Your Team

Ensuring customer satisfaction can depend on ensuring employee satisfaction. That is why your Concierge Customer Service journey should also include internal employee surveys. One of the key reasons for conducting an online survey, rather than speaking directly to someone, is to avoid “social desirability response,” (when individuals alter their survey responses when in the presence [...]

By |2020-09-01T06:50:56-06:00November 6, 2019|

Getting Responses To Your Surveys

As we've covered in the past, the best way to learn about your customers' wants is through the use of surveys. They won't work, however, if you aren't getting responses to your surveys. How do you ensure that you get a sufficient number of responses to your surveys in order to have good data to [...]

By |2020-09-01T06:50:57-06:00October 22, 2019|

Learning & Giving Your Customers the Service They Want

It sounds simple. Learn your customers' needs, and start giving your customers the service they want. How does it work in practice, though? Although the core principles of Concierge Customer Service and customer-centric innovation do apply to all businesses, becoming customer-centric means, by definition, that you must adapt the Concierge Customer Service system to your [...]

By |2020-09-01T06:50:58-06:00October 8, 2019|

Sales Specialization and Division of Labor

In the companies with whom we work, the shift to the Concierge Customer Service system goes hand-in-hand with increased specialization of sales. Bureaucracy often has negative connotations, but two of the hallmarks of bureaucratic organization—two of the characteristics that make bureaucracies efficient—are specialization and division of labor. But in most wholesale distribution companies, the sales [...]

By |2020-09-01T06:50:59-06:00October 3, 2019|

The Financial Foundation of Concierge Customer Service

Because Concierge Customer Service is so extensive, it is an investment. That’s why funding this service requires that you offer it only to the customers who generate the most profit for your business. In the wholesale distribution industry, roughly 30% of the customers generate nearly all of the profit in that business; about 20% of [...]

By |2020-09-01T06:51:01-06:00September 27, 2019|
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