concierge customer service

18 December 18, 2019

Get Moving on Concierge Customer Service

By |2020-09-01T06:50:52-06:00December 18, 2019|

Without Concierge Customer Service, your business can lag behind. I had a conversation with an academic colleague not too long ago (he actually had been my undergraduate mentor). He said, “Jeanne, everywhere I go, customer service people are doing tasks. They’re going through the motions. They’re reading scripts. There’s no ownership.” This is your chance [...]

20 November 20, 2019

Six Basics of Creating Concierge Customer Service

By |2020-09-01T06:50:55-06:00November 20, 2019|

With Concierge Customer Service, you can give your best customers the edge they’re looking for and improve your profits in the process. Concierge Customer Service (CCS) achieves that goal by giving your most profitable customers a level of service that not only makes their lives and jobs easier but also improves their efficiency. That’s why [...]

22 October 22, 2019

Getting Responses To Your Surveys

By |2020-09-01T06:50:57-06:00October 22, 2019|

As we've covered in the past, the best way to learn about your customers' wants is through the use of surveys. They won't work, however, if you aren't getting responses to your surveys. How do you ensure that you get a sufficient number of responses to your surveys in order to have good data to [...]

8 October 8, 2019

Learning & Giving Your Customers the Service They Want

By |2020-09-01T06:50:58-06:00October 8, 2019|

It sounds simple. Learn your customers' needs, and start giving your customers the service they want. How does it work in practice, though? Although the core principles of Concierge Customer Service and customer-centric innovation do apply to all businesses, becoming customer-centric means, by definition, that you must adapt the Concierge Customer Service system to your [...]

23 August 23, 2019

The Elements of Concierge Customer Service: M.O.R.E.

By |2020-09-01T06:51:03-06:00August 23, 2019|

The objective in establishing Concierge Customer Service (CCS) is to deliver a differentiated, distinct, exceptional customer experience to your most profitable customers— and really good service to all customers—by giving customers more. In fact, the elements of Concierge Customer Service can be broken down as just that -- M.O.R.E.: mindset, ownership, referability, and experience. It [...]

16 July 16, 2019

The Edge Concierge Customer Service Gives You

By |2020-09-01T06:51:07-06:00July 16, 2019|

In this age of uncertainty, one thing remains certain: Things are as tough and confusing for your customers as they are for you. Like you, they’re looking for an edge. They’re looking for a way to make things easier, to cut through the clutter, to do their jobs and stay in business, and maybe even [...]

2 July 2, 2019

The Erosion of Service

By |2020-09-01T06:51:12-06:00July 2, 2019|

The art and science of customer service have become increasingly rare in American commerce. Any one of us can recount stories of poor—sometimes outrageously poor—customer service that not only left us frustrated but also engendered resentment toward the company that appeared to care so little about the customers who generate its profits. Let’s review [...]

20 June 20, 2019

Where This All Began For Me

By |2020-09-01T06:51:15-06:00June 20, 2019|

Where all this began for me: Long before I earned a PhD or began working with wholesale distributors, I learned a lot about the power of connecting with customers growing up in a tiny town in rural North Carolina. My father, a country banker in the hamlet of Sunbury (in Gates County, North Carolina), saw [...]

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